Convert Your Deal

Wedding Client Bonding Ease Your Deal

It is one of the most unique significant topic about the relationship between the

wedding venue owner and the booking client. Whenever, the bonding is strong then

it will convert your function an great success and when it is weak then it create

multiple service delays in your major function. Always make sure to be attentive

at the time of discussion related with the management of any gathering function.

Healthy bonding is essential from both point of view whether it is from the

owner’s instruction side or it is from the wedding booking client side. Many

factors are responsible to manage any type of gathering function. Those factors

are mention below:

a) What type of function you want to manage at the wedding venue.

b) Take care of gathering capacity of wedding venue and book your dream venue


c) Pricing package must be clear in terms of services you offer. Please, disclose

all hidden charges available with your property in advance. For example Percentage

of GST charge, Maintenance charge in case of damage of any item. Always take the

written document copy with you and distribute another original copy to the booking


d) Tell the back up plan in case of any emergency happen at your place. For

example inverter and generator back up service in case of any electricity cut off.

e) Each and every person engage in the function must follow the government

guidelines during pandemic situation.

f) In case whenever wedding client demand increases during the function. He must

charge extra for other demands which never discussed before the function starts.

g) All services offer to the booking client must be clear in every department like

wise wedding venue, event, catering, electricity back up services, fire safety back up service, light and flower decoration etc.

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